Create Custom Functions on Google Sheets

In this post, I demonstrate how to Create Custom Functions on Google Sheets using Google Apps Script. In the How to Video, I cover 4 unique examples.

How to Video:

Video Notes:

  • Legacy Apps Script Editor Used in Video
  • Apps Script (Script Editor) is now located under tab ‘Extensions’ instead of ‘Tools’ on Google Sheets

Code in Video:

function DOUBLE(input) {
  return input * 2;

function DOUBLE_RANGE(input) {
  var total = 0;
  for(y = 0; y < input.length; y++)
    for(i = 0; i < input[y].length; i++)
      total = total + (Number(input[y][i]) * 2);
  return total;

function TRANSLATE(input)
  var languageOutput = LanguageApp.translate(input, 'en', 'es'); 
  return languageOutput;


function API_CALL(input)

  URL_STRING = ""+input+"&country_id=US";

  var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(URL_STRING);
  var json = response.getContentText();
  var data = JSON.parse(json);
  return data.age;

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